RINK UPDATE: Unfortunately, with the recent warm weather, the rink is officially done for this year. The grass is showing through so there is no saving it even if it gets colder.

MARCH 2025

Annual General Meeting

Clear your calendar on Tuesday April 29th for the AGM. This is a great opportunity to hear about what is happening in the Community League, elect new board members, and chat with your neighbours.

More details to come.

We hope to see you there!

2025 Outdoor Soccer Registration extended to March 9!

Registration is now open from February 3 – March 9, 2025 for U4-U19 (2006-2021) players as well as Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Team Managers.

Please ensure your register early and complete all registrations steps outlined on the Soccer Information page.

We can’t wait to se everyone out on the local fields again this summer; register today!

Contest Winners

Thanks to everyone who entered the contest, random winners were drawn from each category and have been contacted.

February 2025

Family Day Event


We’re celebrating winter with a family skate party! Bring your skates and join us at the rink for a BBQ, hot chocolate and fun! (Bring your own mug for refills!).


12PM to 3PM

Lessard Community League




Did you know that every Saturday until August 30th, 2025 from 5:00-7:00PM you can swim for free at the Jasper Place Leisure centre?

All you need to do is show your valid Lessard Community League Membership! It’s just that easy.

When: Every Saturday from 5:00 - 7:00PM

Where: Jasper Place Leisure Center - 9200 163 St NW, Edmonton

How: Show a current Lessard Community League Membership. You can download a digital copy to your phone here once you log in to your account. Don’t have a membership yet? Buy one today!

More information is available here.

Interested in Coaching?

Outdoor soccer registration is just around the corner and the community soccer program is dependent on volunteer coaches to run and be successful.

If you are interested in coaching soccer for the 2025 outdoor season, please reach out to [email protected] and additional information can be provided.

EMSA provides coaching clinics in the spring so no experience is necessary; just a passion for the game!

Reminder, if there are no coaches, there are no teams so sign up today and be a role model and leader within the community!

Fresh Nets: Hockey Edition

Thanks to the Fresh Nets Hockey program led by Sport Edmonton our outdoor rink has two brand new hockey nets! This initiative, in partnership with Hockey Edmonton, the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation, and the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues, will replace worn-out hockey nets at more than 120 community league rinks across the city.

Check out the rink hours and check them out!

Calling All Artists

Draw an original picture of your family and send a copy to [email protected]. Please make sure to include the artists name and age when submitting. Use one of these templates or create your own.

Pictures will be displayed around the hall at the Family Day Event on February 17th.

There will be three random winners chosen from submissions received,
one from each of the following age groups:

- Under 6

- 7 - 12

- 13 and older



Yes - it’s finally here! The moment you’ve all been waiting for!

Skate in to the new year on the outdoor rink, and check out the new lighted loop!

Make sure to bring your helmet, warm gear and smiles. Skate tags aren’t required until the new year. Keep your eyes open for our rink party where we will be handing out this years tags!

Check out our Calendar for hours of operation.

Please note: we do not have an attendant currently, so while the dressing room is open, there will be no bathrooms available

Lessard Community League Survey - Now Closed

In order to get as much feedback as possible, the online survey has been extended until the end of December. Lessard is a vibrant community with a diverse population so we want to hear directly from you on what you are interested in seeing from the Community League. The survey should only take about 5 minutes to complete.

The survey is now CLOSED, check back soon for results.


Thank you for joining us! We're delighted to welcome you to our community website.

Explore the wealth of information available here, and if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated volunteers who make up our board.

We value fresh ideas and feedback, so take a few minutes to check out what's happening in the community through our News & Events page, hall information, and our newsletters.

Have a great fall season! See you at the Rink!

WHAT’s happening in our community? follow us on Facebook and instagram!